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Product Description

Yoga! The word evokes images of people gracefully holding their bodies in positions of masterful flexibility. But alongside this familiar Yoga practice of movement and meditation is an ancient Yoga of sound largely unknown in the West, whose goal is to awaken dormant powers of the mind through the use of music and chant. 

The YOGA OF SOUND SERIES will initiate you into this ancient science, and will introduce you to the path of using sound to facilitate emotional balance, vitality, freedom from stress, and an expanded sense of one’s inner space. 

SHABDA YOGA is a 3000-year old tradition based on Hindu Vedas, considered to be the oldest spiritual texts in the world. Shabda Yoga practitioners use "mantras" or sacred words which have been used by yogis over the ages to experience the benefits which flow from opening up higher energies within. 

SHAKTI YOGA introduces you to the Tantric tradition of using sacred sound to stimulate the flow of the body’s subtle energy centers, called chakras. Balancing your chakras in this way enhances your senses, heightens sensuality, and helps you to establish a deep connection to your body and to the earth. 

BHAVA YOGA is the practice of using exquisite melodious chants to experience the rapture associated with connecting to the Divine. Chanting these ancient words unites the expansiveness of the cosmos with the intimacy of the human body, bringing you a sense of inner freedom, liberation, and profound love. 

THE YOGA OF SOUND SERIES is a unique listening experience. You can delve even deeper into these ancient traditions and actually begin chanting these powerful mantras along with the recording. The enclosed instructions will teach you the actual mantras as well as meditation techniques to help you gain the most benefit from this unique practice.

About the Artist

Russill Paul masterfully blends the tremendous power of these ancient chants with an ensemble of traditional Indian and contemporary instrumentation. 

Russill’s musical sensibilities began to evolve as a child and later in the world of contemporary film music. He took a detour from his musical career to live as a monk in a monastery in South India for five years where he practiced this ancient art form. He now performs lectures and teaches worldwide.


  • Audio CD (April 25, 2000)
  • Number of Discs: 3
  • Format: Box set

The Yoga of Sound

$49.99 Regular Price
$39.99Sale Price

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